News and Updates
March 24, 2002
12:00pm - Just updated the Media Alerts today. Remember to watch the Academy Awards tonight, LOTR has 13 nominations! :)
1:30pm - Well I lied before, I had time to come back and add 9 new Articles! And I mean "New" in the sense that they're new to this site... whatever, go read them so I feel useful ;)
March 19, 2002
Wow, I've actually updated! Yeah, sorry for the month-long wait but I had some incredible news I had to share with you! Head over the New page to read all about it!
I didn't get to update as much as I wanted to (not enough time), I especially have a whole mess of Media Alerts, articles that dratted Transcript section to make. Hopefully I'll have some spare time to do that all soon. I did however do a much needed update of the Filmography as it was disgustingly out of date, and took of the Lullaby of Clubland page since that disappeared off the face of the earth quite a while ago.
News and Updates
Feb. 17, 2002
Feb. 2, 2002
Jan. 31, 2002
Wow an actual update! :O I'm sorry I've been so non-existant (kinda like the site? err) but you really can't blame - blame the dreaded exams! Well they're all over now, and here's what's new:
Not too much, tho the galleries took about a million years to do (and I'm still not completely done). Expect more on Feb. 2 - more pics (if that's possible :D), a gagillion Media Alerts and Links that I need to get sorted to add, a transcripts page, a guestbook, and news. (see, I've been collecting stuff to update, just didn't update it all ;) )
Jan. 18, 2002
Hi everyone! Look, I haven't fallen off the face of the planet! :) Sorry for the severe lack of updates lately, I have exams coming up so I've been really busy with school... you can expect a HUGE update around Feb. 1... Got about (get ready for this) *75* new pics for yall (that's 2 new albums), 3 articles (maybe a couple more if I can find em) and a mess load of media alerts and news....!
Oh, and Black Hawk Down opens is wide release today! Wahey! :D
Dec. 29, 2001
WAOB has been down a lot lately because it's been exceeding the bandwidth... Sorry if you can't get on!
Some amazing news! Two new articles, from I dunno where, I just got them off TheOneRing.Net, feature Wilde About Orlando Bloom and the Orlando Bloom Oasis club! The club is mentioned in Sweet, sweet Fantasy, and WAOB is in the second one Bloom is in season at the very end (with eowyn's Orlando Bloom's Oasis site and Bloomin' Marvelous). That quote in the picture is from Artemis Action Woman, from Orli's Angels! I felt so giddy over this I had to put them up immediately, even if people can't get on! woooo hoooo!!!!! (this is huge thanks to eowyn, whom the reporter talked to first, thanks hon!) :D
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